picture Sun May 30th
Class and individual recital pictures are this Sunday, May 30th. If your child is not able to attend, please email edancestation@yahoo.com or call and leave a message on the studio answering machine. We don’t want to hold up other classes for you if you aren’t attending. Thanks so much! We’ve also tried to catch everyone this week to make sure we are all on the same page with the new combined-show recital times. Tights will be in this weekend at pictures as well. If you need the new tights for pictures, you can come early and have your dancer change into costume at the studio. No problem. Also, I’ve had a lot of questions about masks at the studio. We are just going to leave all of our guidelines in place for now – to finish out this last week of the season. We are so close to the show, I don’t want anyone to have to quarantine and miss their performance! However, I will re-evaluate our policies before we come back for summer classes later in June – after speaking with several doctors and pediatricians. Things are looking good – onward and upward! Thanks so much! Elizabeth