Yes class on Memorial Day this evening and a few reminders
Hi! Reminder that we do have class tonight for the Monday classes. This week is the very last week of class before the big rehearsals next week, so all of our teachers are working hard to finish choreography, make sure each class is ready for recitals, and also we run their dances like 10 times during the last class to help the dancers feel as confident and comfortable on stage as possible. Please make every effort to have your dancer attend each of their last classes.
Some remiders for the week:
- Tights- if you ordered tights through our order form, we will be sending them home with the dancers this week. Look for them to go home during each dancer’s ballet or combo ballet/tap or ballet/jazz/tap class. Recital t-shirts will be ready on picture day this weekend.
- Recital Picture Day is this Sun. June 2nd. Please let your teacher know if you are not attending picture day, so we don’t wait for you and hold up the process, as each class only gets 30 minutes. thanks!
- This is the last week to enroll in summer classes. The sign ups are on the table in the lobby until Friday. We need to finalize numbers and see if any classes need to be combined or cancelled ahead of time. Also the Era’s tour camp is full at this time.
- The Auto-pay final payment will go through on Saturday, June 1st.
- All final payments/June installments need to be paid by Sunday in order to purchase recital tickets. Tuition is charged by semester and then broken down into 5 equal payments for your convenience. Each family may purchase 8 tickets in the first day on Sunday, June 2nd. Then starting on Monday, June 3rd, the 2nd round opens and you can purchase as many as needed.
- DVD/flashdrive and flower orders are due on Sunday, June 2nd.
- SSDC auditions for Ballet 4 and up are on Friday, May 31st from 5-6:30pm. Pink tights, black leotard, hair in a bun, pink ballet shoes (black leggings, white or black tee, and black ballet shoes for boys). Arrive 10 minutes early to receive your audition number.
- Next week is a busy week! Make sure you check to see when and where your dancer is needed at the full cast rehearsals. I will also post daily reminders through the app. We can’t wait for you to see the performances and are so excited for their recitals!!!