
Cecchetti news and a few reminders

Cecchetti news and a few reminders

Cecchetti exam students:  Congratulations! EVERYONE PASSED their exams!!!!!!!  Cecchetti classes are now over for the semester (besides Adv Grade 7 still has a few classes left), so there are no Cecchetti classes this week. The sign up for Bway Jr, Bway 6, and Bway Intermediate is in the lobby, these classes start in April. Advanced Broadway starts this week!

We are running a 7-week Adult Jazz/Cardio and Adult Ballet workshop starting this week for anyone interested in joining. Adult Jazz/Cardio is Tuesdays from 8-8:45pm and Adult Ballet is Tuesdays from 8:45-9:30pm. One 7-week class is $70, or you can take both for $100 (AND with 2nd family member discount for adults with children dancing – it’s just $56 and $80).  Email Elizabeth at edancestation@yahoo.com if you are interested in joining. The classes run on Tuesdays starting this week from March 7 – April 25th. All experience levels welcome.

Auto-pay for March tuition goes through tonight, for those that have auto-pay and have not paid manually.

The DanceStation March newsletter will be posted later this week on the app, with important recital, dress rehearsal, and picture updates. Thanks! Congrats again to the Cecchetti candidates!

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