
No classes tonight, Yes Cecc Pizza Party tomorrow

No classes Thur Feb 24th

Due to the weather and O’Fallon schools remaining closed today, there will be no classes at DanceStation this evening. We realize how unlucky our Wed and Thur classes have been this month. We are planning a make-up day for some of these classes on Sunday, March 6th, after Cecchetti exams are over.

We will still be having Cecchetti Grade 6 class from 3-5pm tomorrow and the Cecchetti Theory Pizza party at 5pm tomorrow for all students Grade 1-4 this year (plus my adv helpers).  Also, Saturday is our Grade 1 mock exams for students going in for their Grade 1 exams this year. Please check your exam papers I sent home. Exam payments are due tomorrow at the pizza party. The studio has to pre-pay for all exams before the kids go in, so please bring your payments tomorrow, or you can pay through the parent portal as well. Reminder we are not using PayPal anymore. Thanks! Hopefully this is the last round of weather cancelations this year!

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