
Parent portal log in

Parent Portal for account info

We will be opening the Parent portal this weekend so that you can access your account to view past and future tuition fees. This will be our main way of paying tuition and other fees moving forward instead of using PayPal. You can pay monthly, straight from your bank account or with a credit card/debit card – or you can also sign up for auto-pay. This is for monthly tuition fees and it will be taken out on the 5th of every month, if you choose to go that route. By paying through this Parent Portal your payment goes directly into our books, which eliminates the 3rd party for transfers, potential delays, or mistakes. It does still charge a small convenience fee, but the studio does not receive any of the convenience fee. That is what the company charges to process each transaction.  You may also pay by check or cash at the studio still, but this is quite convenient, so I hope many of you take advantage of it!!!  I will post a video tutorial on Sunday to walk through paying for tuition manually versus auto-pay and also how to prepay for things like tights or DVD’s that are non-tuition based.  We are sending order forms home this coming week with the November newsletter. This order form is for Nutcracker Hoodies (they will be a burgundy color this year), pink tight orders (for any ballet dancers participating in the Nutcracker), DVD options for each performance night, and class picture orders. All of these are optional and not required.

You will receive an email inviting you to login or create a password into your parent portal this weekend (look for them by Sunday evening) to the email address we have on file from fall registration. Halloween week was lots of fun and now it is down to business for Nutcracker dances! November attendance is extremely important as we will be teaching the choreography for the dances in every 3/4yr, 5/6yr, combo Ballet/Jaz/tap class, and all Ballet 2 and older classes in November. There are only 3 weeks in November, because of Thanksgiving break, so EVERY class matters. Please strive for excellent attendance to eliminate any confusion for your child. Thanks! Look for your email and the tutorial by Sunday evening, and Happy Halloween Weekend!!!!

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