Yes still class this evening but be cautious and use your best judgement
Hi! It’s been an up-and-down day with the weather, and our area was not hit as hard with the weather as they thoughtwe would be. However, I know we have another round coming through this evening around 6pm. We are going to have classes this evening still, however if your child’s class is during storm times you can use your best judgement and wait until it passes to come into class or come to class and leave early. We will be flexible about leaving early or coming late to class tonight because we have 3 classes that REALLY need to get their recital packets and costumes this evening: Boys Hip Hop, Ballet 3 Roses, and 5/6 yr old Little Red Riding Hood. Boys hip hop will be early enough in the day that class should not be affected. For ballet 3 Roses we suggest you come at 5:30pm before the storm and I can hand out costumes and packets at the beginning of class. That way if you need to pick them up early they will have costumes and forms. For the Little Red Riding class, you can wait and come for the last half of class if needed (like 6:45-7:15pm). All other classes just use your best judgement, and come late or leave early wherever necessary. We understand and just want everyone to be safe. thanks!