Hoodies and tights Pick Up
Hoodies and Tight orders will be available this Saturday at dress rehearsal for pick up. If your hoodie was a Christmas gift surprise, we can hold it until our office hours the week after the Nutcracker performances. We are excited to see everything in costumes this weekend at the studio! All students participating in our Nutcracker must attend the Sat (at the studio) and next Thur (at the Hett) dress rehearsals to participate in the Nutcracker. Nutcracker is not mandatory for all students, you can choose not to participate, however these two rehearsals are required if you wish to perform with us. It is an enormous undertaking to organize 220+ children, costumes, sets, and make the show professional for the community. It is truly something to be proud of, and something very special to be a part of, and we can’t wait for you to see it.