Jenny b classes cancelled Wed
Good news: Miss Jenny B (short dark hair Miss Jenny) is negative for Covid! Bad news: she’s still sick. So her classes are cancelled for the evening. All other classes still meet. We will be offering make up classes near the end of November for many classes – probably over zoom so that many students can take part in any missed classes for this year. Just in the last week, we have suddenly seen many dancers absent from classes due to illness (mostly non-Covid related). Please do not send your child to class if they are ill. Thanks!
Also, later this week, the videos we took of the dancers for “watch week” will be sent out. We found out over the weekend that we were missing many registration forms from families, so we didn’t have everyone’s info quite yet. But we are working on it and will try to send videos to your email on Friday. My older SSDC dancers did not have recordings made of their classes, because we were focused on getting ready for their show, which the parents were fortunate enough to see live. thanks! E