Pictures, order forms due, tickets on sale
It’s recital picture day! Please let us know if you aren’t coming for pictures today so we don’t hold up the line waiting for you to arrive. Remember to bring your KEAH picture order form that is in your recital packet (class picture times are on the back of the order form) and today is also the last day to turn in your recital DVD, picture CD and flower form (the bottom half of the order form). Recital tights are in if you haven’t picked them up yet, and recital t-shirts are ready as well!!!! I will post the bun tutorial on our DanceStation Facebook page for anyone that needs help doing a bun today or for dress rehearsals/recitals. You will need a lot of bobby pins/hair pins and a hair net. A hair donut is not needed. All female dancers need their hair in a bun for pictures, dress rehearsal, and recital. If their hair length is very short, you can spray it and pin it back out of their face.
Recital tickets go on sale today as well. Check in with Miss Jenny at the front desk. No ticket/seating limits this year, thank goodness! See you for pictures!!! Please consider volunteering at our performances. Most parents volunteer during one of the other shows so they can watch their own child’s show from the audience. Recital day is a lot of work for our teachers and 200+kids, and we need help to make things run smoothly. The parent volunteer list is in the lobby. Thank you!