
recital t-shirt design

Recital T-shirt artwork

*T-shirt and Tight Orders are due by next Friday, May 13th at 12pm.  No late orders will be accepted. The turn-around time is too short, and the supply shortage is quite difficult to navigate this year. All orders must be in by Noon on Friday, May 13th. Even if you use the parent portal to pay, we still need the order form turned into the orange basket in the lobby. A picture of your order form on your phone will not do this time. For Nutcracker hoodies I had a ton of last-minute drop-offs and people sending in pictures of order forms. It was fine for that show, but this order form has too many important items on it, so we need the physical form.

**There will be sizing t-shirts in the lobby starting on Monday, if anyone is unsure what size to order. The Under the Sea shirt will have a purple shimmer ink for the design. Peter Pan has gold shimmer and white ink and has two different colored t-shirts. Which color we get will depend on local supply when we place the order next Friday.

***If you are not ordering tights or t-shirts from us, then the other items are not due until May 29th.

****If your child was sick this week you will need to pick up their recital packets ASAP. I will be at the studio Sat from 2:30-6pm and Sunday from 6-9pm for rehearsals, if you would like to stop by. We will have all the recital packets on the lobby table for children who were absent last week.  There is time sensitive info and order forms, so you want those as soon as possible.

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