
T- shirt and tight orders due by Friday

tshirt and tight orders due by Friday at noon

Friendly reminder that t-shirt and tight orders (the top half of the order form) are due by Friday at noon. If you cannot make it to the studio to drop off the form tonight, or tomorrow night, then please use the mailbox/drop box located outside on the wooden staircase on Friday morning to drop off your form and payment. Even if you pay on the parent portal, we need the physical form to keep track of all orders. Screenshots of your orders will not work for this round of recital items. Sizing t-shirts are up in the lobby if you aren’t sure which size to order.  Tight sizing is on the back of the order form. Due to shipping and global supply difficulties this year, we cannot accept any orders after noon on Friday, so plan accordingly!  The bottom half of the form is not due until Picture day, May 29th. thanks so much!

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