
Dancestation back to dance plan

Back to dance plan

DanceStation Fall Classes

Back to dance plan:

  1. Please bring a mask with you to each class. In accordance with the state mandate, IDHP, and St. Clair County Board of Health, we will be masking in all classes, at least for now. With the littles, we just do our best with masks, but they were all ok last year.  We will adjust as needed as the year progresses.
  2. We are only using one entrance this year, like normal – please use the side entrance near the trees/grass.  We will not be using the State Street entrance.
  3. The lobby is open in limited capacity.  Meaning it is available to parents to walk young children into classes, to ask teacher questions, or to drop off tuition.  However, we ask to try and clear the lobby as much as possible.  Please pick up your child outside (weather permitting).  We know that parents like to watch younger children the first week or two of class – totally understandable!  For dancers aged 3-7, we are going to email a short video clip of class the first week or two, so you can see part of their class.  We do anticipate full use of the lobby again, later in the year.  Also, children with anxiety on their first class, or two, can have parents stay in the lobby.
  4. All students – even 3-4 yr olds – Please bring a water bottle to every class, we take lots of water breaks with masks on.
  5. We will continue to wipe down the barres in between each class this year.
  6. Please do not send your child to class if they are sick and notify us if you are home due to quarantine or Covid. The studio did really well last year, and stayed open all year, mostly because parents really stuck to this guideline!

Maybe I’m being optimistic, but we hope that some of these policies are temporary, and we will adjust as the year goes by whatever means necessary. I am immensely proud that despite lots of other activities shutting down and closing last year, we maintained a full year of dancing!  We can all agree that keeping our kids happy, healthy, active, and socialized are so important right now.  Here’s to a great year!

A studio calendar will be sent home on their first class, as well as the Nutcracker class casting and performance night for each class.  Tickets are purchased through the Hett, not the studio, as this is a community wide event, and not just for our studio parents. Fall semester begins Tuesday, September 7th. See you soon!

Elizabeth Conway, Jenny Fischer, Jenny Battenberg, Sonya Doerr, and Monica Woods Knott



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