
Cecchetti extra class times

Cecchetti Grades 1-7

For Cecchetti students only:  

During the months of January and February, most of our regular ballet classes turn into extra Cecchetti ballet classes so that our dancers are fully prepared for their exams.  For students that do not participate in Cecchetti, it is a chance for us to introduce the method without the pressure of preparing for an exam. All Cecchetti students will still attend their regular Cecchetti classes every week. These extra classes are actually their regular ballet classes, but we will be working on Cecchetti during their ballet class times instead of non-syllabus ballet.  Most students will be able to stay in their original ballet classes that are working on their correct Cecchetti levels. A few students may need to switch classes for the next 7 weeks in order to attend the correct level.  No extra tuition is necessary and Cecchetti students return to their regular class times in March after exam weekend. Exam weekend is March 3-5, and then Cecchetti classes fall away until next September, when we begin the cycle again. The Cecchetti workshop in Edwardsville is the 11th and 12th of February, mandatory for anyone taking an exam. On the original studio calendar given out in August, we had been given the incorrect February dates. I corrected the dates in a post way back on September 15th – so hopefully everyone adjusted as needed. You will receive a workshop flyer later this month as a reminder for the workshop as well. We will know by the end of January who is examining this year. Please remind your child that it is normal to take two years to work on exams if that is what we decide they need. Sending in a student who is not ready is not fair to the student or the examiner. It is our job as teachers to determine who will have a successful exam, and who needs to work on it a little longer. Please trust your teacher’s judgment that it is better to take two years and have a great experience, than to go in before you are ready and come out in tears when you don’t pass.


EXTRA class options are as follows (students will still attend their regular weekly Cecchetti class as well):

Cecchetti Grade 1 – Ballet 2 Tues 6:45-7:45pm, Ballet 5 Tues 7:45-8:45,

                                    or Ballet 2 AND 3 Wed 5:30-6:30pm

Cecchetti Grade 2 – Ballet 6 Mon 5:15-6:30pm or Ballet 4 Tues 5-6pm

Cecchetti Grade 3 – Ballet 7 Tues 6-7:15pm

Cecchetti Grade 4 – Int Ballet Mon 6:30-8pm

Cecchetti Grade 5 – Wed 6:30pm

Cecchetti Grade 6 – Wed 7:30pm and Tues 8:15-9:30pm

Cecchetti Grade 7 – Mon 8-9:30pm and pointe Tues 8:15-9:30pm

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