
Oct News

Oct Reminders

October Reminders at Dancestation!

There are no paper newsletters after September this year. This online newsletter is your Oct newsletter, please read carefully. 😎

*Families enrolled in Auto-Pay will have their tuition automatically deducted in the first week of each month. Usually around the 5th. Tuition is due for all families the first week of each month. After the 15th of the month, a $10 late fee will be added. If you are unsure of your account status or need to check on tuition amounts, you can log into your parent portal and look at your account history and charges and credits as well. If you need the password resent for your parent portal, please email Elizabeth at edancestation@yahoo.com

*Dress code:  we do have a dress code at Dancestation. For girls, a leotard is required in all classes, even tap, jazz, and modern. Tight dance shorts, no gym shorts, may be worn over the leotard and tights, or leggings may be worn for jazz, modern, and tap classes. Hair must be worn in a good bun for all older ballet classes level 2 and up. The sloppy pony-tail quick buns do not count – they fall out right away and then the girls mess with their hair all class. Please send them in real buns, with hairnets and bobby pins to all Ballet 2 and up classes and Cecchetti classes. Also remember, no jewelry in dance class. We don’t want them to get caught, or break, or bounce around in class. Stud earrings and small earrings without hoops are fine.

*Watch week/parent observation week is Oct. 17-20 (Mon-Thur).  You are invited into class to watch your child dance!!! Please be respectful and silence your phones and keep any little children from running around while your dancers’ teachers are conducting class.

*No class on Monday, Oct. 31st for Halloween. Ask your teacher for an appropriate make up class!

*Our State Street Dance Company concert is Sat. Nov 19th. Tickets will be available in November. On our non-Nutcracker years, our SSDC members have their own showcase/performance in November featuring many guest-artist pieces from the St. Louis area and beyond. It’s a truly remarkable and unique performance, complete with an “otherworldly” ballet set on different planets/worlds with visuals/videos/glowing lights, etc. If you are in town that evening, it will be a really cool performance to bring your dancer to!

thanks, Elizabeth

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