
tickets and May newsletter

tickets and May newsletter with times and dates

Tickets will be available on Sunday at picture day and all next week. You will need to check in with Miss Jenny F at the front desk and then you can purchase tickets. $15 adult, $10 kids (12 and under). No ticket limitations this year finally!!!!!

Here is the May newsletter with times and dates for all extra rehearsals and all three performances. We sent home a highlighted version just for your child- so hopefully you still have that. Don’t forget to bring your KEAH picture order form on Sunday for pictures. The bottom half of our recital DVD, picture cd, and recital flowers is due by this Sunday at pictures. Recital tights are in and can be picked up at pictures on Sunday or may be sent home with the dancers as well. Picture times are found at the bottom of this post and are also located on the back of your picture order form in your recital packet.


DanceStation News: May/June 2022

Announcements/Reminders:  Lots and lots of information—PLEASE READ ON!!! And try to hold on to this newsletter – it is highlighted just for your child!


Last day to order recital t-shirts and tights through the studio is Friday, May 13th.  I can get them for $10 which is usually a few dollars less than in the local dance stores.  However, feel free to get tights on your own if you wish.  NO shiny tights please.


  1. Picture Day is Sunday, May 29th.  Picture times will run from 9am – 6:30pm here at the studio. We would appreciate it very much if you would show up for the group pictures, even if you choose not to buy any.  The picture schedule will be posted by the front door and sent home with this recital packet. **Please make good use of street parking and not the ICE CREAM LOT during the large rehearsals and picture day**


  1. **Full cast rehearsals** The week before the recital (May 30th – June 1st) there are no regularly scheduled classes. Instead, we have a few extra practices here at the studio before we move to the Hett on Thursday. Because each ballet tells a story, we need to have full rehearsals (some dress rehearsals) here at the studio before we get to the stage at McKendree. This is a very busy week, but it really pays off with nicely polished/professional shows in the end. J


          Mon. May 30th at DanceStation: 

          4-5:15pm Broadway Intermediate

          5:30-9pm Peter Pan evening show (no costumes)

          Tues. May 31st at DanceStation: 

          4-5pm Broadway Jr – Handjive/You Can’t Stop the Beat

          5-8pm Love Makes the World Go Round/Under the Sea – no costumes, however all      students will need both tap and ballet shoes

          5-6pm Little Blue Fish (Thur 3/4 yrs), 5:15-6:15pm Turtles (Wed 3/4yrs), 5:30-6:30pm Sea Horse (Wed 5/6yrs), 5:45-6:45pm Octopus (3-4yrs), 6-7pm Jelly Fish (Tues 5/6yrs), 6:15-7:15pm Rainbow Fish (Mon 3/4yrs), 6:30-7:30pm Lobsters/Crabs (Mon 5/6yrs), 6:45-7:45pm Manta Rays and Shark (Thur 5/6yrs)

          8-9:30 All SSDC pieces


          Wed. June 1st at Dancestation:

          4-8pm Peter Pan afternoon show Dress Rehearsal – Yes costumes!

          4-6pm Nannies (Ballet 4), Stars (Ballet 5), Lost Girls (Ballet 7), Healing Flower                                   Fairies (Thur combo), Sea Sprites (Mon Ballet 2), Mermaids (Mon Combo)

6-8pm  Young Pirates (Ballet 3), Parrots (Wed Ballet 2), Tinkerbelle Friends (Int                                   Ballet), Indian Maidens (Ballet 6), Lost Girls (Ballet 7), Crocodiles (Tues Combo)

8-9:30 Adv B-way Rehearsal


  1. DRESS REHEARSALS (means YES in costume!)

      Thur. June 2nd at the HETT:  Please arrive 15 minutes early to each rehearsal with hair and             make-up done. Students should change into their costumes once they arrive and be ready to      start on time. NO dance shoes should be worn in the parking lot. Street shoes on the way in.

11am-3:30pm Dance the Night Away (evening show tap, jazz, modern, Broadway Int and Adv, and SSDC pieces)

4-9pm Shake Rattle N Roll (afternoon show tap, jazz, boys hip hop, modern and B-way Jr)

Dress Rehearsal (means in costume!) continued:

      Friday, June 3rd, at the HETT:  Please arrive 15 minutes early to each rehearsal with hair       and make-up done. Students should change into their costumes once they arrive and be ready to   start on time. NO dance shoes should be worn in the parking lot. Street shoes on the way in.

9am – 12:30pm Love Makes the World Go Round (tap first!)/Under the Sea (ballet 2nd)

1 – 5:30pm Peter Pan (ballet afternoon show)

6:30-8:30pm Peter Pan (ballet evening show)  


  1. Recital Day is Saturday, June 4th at McKendree University. Please arrive 30-40 minutes before the performance and change into costumes once you arrive.  Show times are:

                                                      (including 15-20 min intermission)

Love Makes the World Go Round/Under the Sea 11am-12:45pm

Peter Pan afternoon show/Shake Rattle and Roll 2pm-5:30pm

Peter Pan evening show/Dance the Night Away 7pm-10:15pm


  1. Ticket prices are the same as last year. They will be on sale at the front desk the week before the recital. Adult tickets are $15 and children (under 12) are $10.  Please do not lose your tickets – or you will have to buy new tickets to enter.  Sorry! Just like any movie theater or performance hall, you will have to buy new tickets if you lose them or leave them at home.


  1. Parents/guardians will need to pay for the 5th/June installment before you purchase your recital tickets. Once the recital is over, families take vacations and it can be difficult to track down missing payments. Most common June question: Why are you paying for a full month?  It is because tuition is calculated by the semester, not the month, and then broken down into five equal installments for your convenience.


  1. Recital Order forms. We are sending home one order form for tights/t-shirts/recital flowers/DVD’s and the picture CD slideshow. The ballet group pictures have their own order form and are included in this packet as well.  All items need to be pre-paid, so a check or cash is due with the order form (or you can pay through the Parent Portal- just put what you are paying for in the notes).  T-shirt and tight orders are due by May 13th, the rest are due by May 29th (picture day). You may sign up for all at the same time and turn in one check, just write it on the memo or on the Parent Portal. NONE of these are mandatory. You do not have to buy tights, recital t-shirts, DVD’s, or flowers from us.  Flowers are an SSDC fundraiser, as is our bake sale. All proceeds go into the SSDC scholarship fund.  State Street Dance Company is our resident pre-professional student company. Recital t-shirt designs will be in the lobby and also posted online.


  1. Sign-up sheets for our summer sessions/camps are also in the waiting room. We have some fun classes, the very popular kid’s camp, a Disney Pre-k and Kinder-camp, and many guest teachers this summer. Please sign up by the end of May so we can have enrollment numbers for each session! Most costumes and instructions are being sent home next week, but costumes cannot be sent home until the balance is paid.  Recital week is often confusing for new families. Please call, email, or come find me with any questions.  J  Have a wonderful month – see you at the recital!!! Thanks, Elizabeth



**SSDC 2022-23 Auditions:  Fri. May 27th 5-6:30pm**

SSDC is our student based pre-professional company that is open to all students in Ballet 5 and up. We rehearse on Wednesday evenings and some Saturday afternoons from September – mid November (the performance is Sat. Nov 19th). All company members will also rehearse in the evenings the week before regular dance classes begin in September, as part of their annual choreography week. We also ask members to take the DanceStation Intensive held at the end of beginning of AugustFor the SSDC audition:  students should wear pink full-footed tights, a black leotard, and have their hair in a bun. The audition will consist of ballet and jazz combinations.  If you have any questions, please ask Elizabeth or a current SSDC member and we would be happy to tell you more.


DanceStation Picture times for Sunday, May 29th


9-9:30am  Rainbow Fish (Mon 3/4 yrs)

9:30-10am  Lobster/Crabs (Mon 5/6yrs)

10-10:30am  Octopus (Tues 3/4yrs)

10:30-11am  Jellyfish (Tues 5/6yrs)

11-11:15am  Turtles (Wed 3/4yrs)                                                                       

11:15-11:30am  Boys Hip Hop

11:30am-12pm  Sea Horses (Wed 5/6yrs)

12-12:30pm  Little Blue Fish (Thur 3/4yrs)

12:30-1pm  Manta Rays and Shark (Thur 5/6yrs)

1-1:30pm  Mermaids (Mon Combo BJT)

1:30-2pm  Crocodiles (Tues Combo BJT)

2-2:30pm  Healing Flower Pixies (Thur Combo BJT)

2:30-3pm  Sea Sprites (Mon Ballet 2)

3-3:30  Parrots (Wed Ballet 2)

3:30-4  Young Pirates (Ballet 3)

4-4:30  Nanny/Tutors (Ballet 4)

4:30-5  Stars (Ballet 5)

5-5:30  Indian Maidens (Ballet 6)

5:30-6  Lost Girls (Ballet 7)

6-6:30pm  Tink Friends (Int Ballet)

6:30-7:15pm  Sirens/Pirates/PP/Wendy/John/Michael/Hook/Croc (Adv Ballet)


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