

Oct reminders: Yes class tonight on Columbus Day

We do still have class this evening! We will see our Monday classes soon.

I believe the Hett is down to their last available tickets for our Nutcracker shows, so hopefully everyone took our warnings in the September newsletter, the October newsletter, on your permission slip, and our in-person end-of-class chat the first week of class. If you haven’t gotten your Nutcracker tickets yet, you absolutely cannot wait any longer.

The building/front facade update is ongoing this month, and we hope to have it finished up in the next week or two. It has not impacted our classes, other than switching rooms for a few of our younger classes. We can’t wait to see the finished project once it’s complete!

Next week is watch week/parent observation. Parents are invited in to watch all classes (except for SSDC company rehearsal) next Mon – Thur Oct. 16-19th.  The October newsletter was emailed last week, and is also posted here ont the app. Please read it over if you haven’t yet, so that you stay informed. Thanks!!! Elizabeth

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