
Dancing this coming week and next

Dancing this coming week and next

DanceStation families –
  So I think the safest thing to do is zoom all of our classes this coming week and dance from home. It’s not what any of us wanted, but it really is the safest thing to do. Most of the local schools have gone back to remote learning, and we have such a large dance school that many of our families may have traveled or gathered in large groups for Thanksgiving- which puts some of our high risk students in danger. Dancing from home this week will give everyone a chance to watch for symptoms and learn of any possible exposures. Your teacher will be emailing you a zoom link tomorrow. If you do not receive the link by Monday please contact them directly.
Elizabeth – edancestation@yahoo.com, Jenny Battenberg – jennylbatt@gmail.com, Jenny Fischer – Jennifer.Fischer@saintclareschool.org, Sonya – sonyasgottadance@gmail.com, and Monica – mwoods644@gmail.com.
        It is my hope that we can return to in-person for the final week of dancing in December. I do not say this lightly, or without thought. I say this because we have so many measures already in place that help keep our dancers safe. We do temperature checks, we have much smaller classes this year, we separate by more than 6 feet for the entire class, we sanitize our hands, clean between classes, and most importantly we wear masks. We have had zero classroom spread this year, so I am confident we could come back safely for one week with all of our measures in place. (Unless something changes statewide in the next week to take our restrictions down even further). We understand if you aren’t comfortable coming back in person, and we have the YouTube classes up for any that decide to stay home next week as well. Thanks so much, be on the look out for the zoom links tomorrow evening. We are grateful for you and your children, and we hope to bring them fun and engaging classes still in this upcoming week. Let’s keep dancing!!! Elizabeth

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